Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

What are the best online communities/websites for getting some feedback on a new startup idea?

1. The Entrepreneur Subreddit

Brett FarmiloeFor immediate feedback from other entrepreneurs, post your idea and ask for feedback to the Entrepreneur Subreddit. With over 150,000 entrepreneurs as part of the community — and Reddit’s uncanny ability to be blunt — you’ll get immediate and honest feedback for a new startup idea. Here’s an example conversation.

– Brett FarmiloeMarketing Auditors

2. Startup Grind

john ramptonStartup Grind is the largest startup organization from around the world where you have discussions about your startup, ask questions and get un-biased feedback. I’ve gotten some of the best feedback in the world from this site.

– John RamptonDue

3. Ashoka Changemakers and Unreasonable Institute

Erin WeedFor social entrepreneurs wanting to build businesses that literally change the world, Ashoka Changemakers and Unreasonable Institute are great for collaborating with other like-minded folks.

– Erin Weedevoso inc.

4. Medium

Ben LangMedium is an amazing place to get feedback on a new idea. There’s a fantastic post on The Next Web on a project called “Read This Thing” which started entirely through Medium. The author used the platform as a place to get feedback, built a list and saw if the idea had potential.

– Ben LangMapme

5. Startup Nation

SathvikTantryStartup Nation is a community of more than 90,000 members. Not only do their forums take you through every step of the process of starting your own business, but they also have great resources for entrepreneurs, including the ability to join specific industry groups to better connect with like-minded people.

– Sathvik TantryFormSwift

6. The #AskGaryVee Show

Kristopher JonesThe #AskGaryVee Show is hosted on YouTube and has spread throughout the social cosmos, generating hundreds of thousands of loyal fans and views. Hosted by serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, the show focuses on providing tips and answering questions about building successful businesses. Over 125 shows, available here, are focused on everything from raising capital to not making the same mistake twice.

– Kristopher

7. ATT&T Small Business Circles

Nick FriedmanATT&T Small Business has a bit of everything for a new or growing entrepreneur. You can submit questions, read and comment on other posts. The comments are always insightful and helpful. The site has an entrepreneur-in-residence each week as well who responds to questions and posts.

– Nick FriedmanCollege Hunks Hauling Junk

8. Quora

Breanden BeneschottQuora is such a great community full of very smart, passionate people, including many experienced, successful startup CEOs, serial entrepreneurs and investors. You can ask for direct feedback from specific people, like Jimmy Wales or David Rose. I don’t know any other place like that.

– Breanden BeneschottToptal

9. Ivy Pitch

Jason LaThe best online community that I turn to is It allows entrepreneurs to receive immediate feedback from accredited investors and venture capitalists on their startup ideas. The platform also helps entrepreneurs get funded and build an advisory board for their ventures.

– Jason Thanh La, Merchant Service Group, LLC & K5 Ventures

10. Product Hunt

James SimpsonProduct Hunt has quickly grown into the ultimate destination for new and updated product launches (whether it be an app, website or physical good). The way the community has been curated and grown (invite-only) has led to extremely high-quality feedback and conversation about the posted products. Product Hunt is fantastic for both marketing and feedback for any new startup idea — MVP’s included.

– James SimpsonGoldFire Studios

11. Valid8or

dave-nevogtValid8or is an online community where entrepreneurs can trade feedback on their ideas for free. Knowing that the community is composed of other entrepreneurs means that I can trust they understand my perspective.

– Dave

12. Indiegogo

Andy KaruzaDon’t think of crowdfunding as just a way to raise enough money for a one-year runway — think of it as a market validation tool with many early adopters willing to provide feedback. If you’re feeling good about your idea, and it’s easy enough to get the ball rolling, go ahead and do an Indiegogo campaign to validate the idea. If people are willing to invest in it, then you might actually be in business.

– Andy Karuzabrandbuddee


Richard is a fantastic community of entrepreneurs and marketers here who go above and beyond to provide feedback, advice and insights. This is especially valuable for startups in the tech, media and marketing spaces. — Richard LorenzenFifth Avenue Brands


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