Core Values
Humble Genius - We hire people who do brilliant work without thinking of themselves as genius. They are confident enough in their ability to consider ideas separate from the source, acknowledge its merits, and even adopt it over their own ideas if it’s best for Branch. These humble geniuses are growth-minded, lifelong-learners who pull people up and inspire others to do great work.
Other Centered - Being other-centered means that we care about each other personally and professionally, respecting and celebrating the abilities each person has. We like truth (even when it hurts!) and we treat others the way we want them to treat us. We strive to be servant-leaders where “we” is more important than “I”. In short, we are working together to build something much larger than ourselves.
Designed Beauty - We celebrate beauty and love when our end product is as beautiful and elegant as it can be. We don’t settle for mediocrity but take the time and effort needed to create integrated solutions, expecting innovation to reveal the best solutions. Complexity is embraced, patterns are observed, principles are derived, and solutions are designed that move from complexity to elegant simplicity.
Intense Collaboration - Because we constantly question the status quo, we foster an open-ideas environment. Instead of just identifying problems, we collaborate to find solutions. It takes multiple constituents working together to find the best solution, and so we draw in diverse perspectives and expert advice when needed. We encourage healthy ideological conflict that’s passionate, intense, decisive, and respectful, but never personal.
Relentless Execution - We have the integrity to do what we say we’re going to do by focusing our time, effort, and resources in the most efficient and effective way possible, even when this commitment takes heroic effort. We are solution-oriented and lean in to a problem to find the best route around challenges and outperform the status quo. Through this relentless execution we become a company our clients can trust, which keeps them coming back for more.
Wise Stewardship - We have been given many resources -- time, money, ideas, relationships, material, energy -- and therefore there is a great opportunity and duty entrusted to us. We have to answer both daily and in history for how we have wisely, carefully, and intentionally been a steward of those resources. What we create has great value and may be rewarded with a high premium. With that premium we can give away great value where our company can have great impact.