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Indiana University

Indiana University is a public research-intensive university located in Bloomington. The institution is rounded in the liberal arts and sciences, and a world leader in professional, medical, and technological education. Indiana University university is on a mission to create, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge. It does so through its commitments to cutting-edge research, scholarship, arts, and creative activity; to challenging and inspired undergraduate, graduate, professional, and lifelong education; to culturally diverse and international educational programs and communities; to first-rate library and museum collections; to economic development in the state and region; and to meaningful experiences outside the classroom. Additionally, the university strives to achieve full diversity, and to maintain friendly, collegial, and humane environments, with a strong commitment to academic freedom. Indiana University was founded in 1820 with its main campus located in Bloomington, Indiana, United States.

Bloomington, IN


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