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STANLEY Security

Global provider of integrated security, health, and safety solutions and services

ElectronicsCybersecuritySaaSData & AnalyticsDevelopment
Indianapolis, IN




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Company Mission

For Those Who Make The World™ Progress

What is it like to work on your team?

I'm a Trainer in our Learning & Development Group, I'm tasked with training our internal as well as our external customers. On how to install, program, and service, the various systems we have to offer, with very little stress involved. With the understanding that not everyone can do what we do here at Stanley Security. The greatest part about Stanley is I started as a Tech. and now I get the opportunity to teach and share the knowledge that I have, to others to help them further their career & and be the best at what they do. When I came to Stanley I set Short and long term goals for myself, my short time goal was to become one of the best Techs Stanley has ever had, complete. My long term goal was to become a trainer and retire from that position, and that's the road I am currently on now.


Field Services L & D Learning Partner

Operations Team

Core Values

Courage & Innovation – Bravely innovate; Generate and embrace new ideas; Drive cutting-edge digital solutions; Foster creativity.
Agility & Performance – Simplify to accelerate business results; Anticipate, quickly adapt to changes; Focus on the right things; Exceed expectations.
Inclusivity & Collaboration – Respect all aspects of diversity; Make decisions with an inclusive, global view; Collaborate to amplify value; Communicate to drive outcomes.
Integrity & Accountability – Operate with high standards; Be who you are; Build trusted relationships; Act with transparency; Own the results.

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