Is it time to bring startup investing to the people? Gerry Hays is the creator and CEO of Doriot, an app that teaches everyday people how they can participate in the VC world, no matter what their budget might be. 

“When you’re investing in a startup,” Gerry says, “You’re placing a bet on someone who is trying to change the world in a positive way. Through gamification, we give people skills and experience so they understand how to make money as a startup investor.”

Democratization of the investment world is Gerry’s big idea – and he knows that bringing creativity to a larger stage can be really scary. “Being creative means you have to be vulnerable,” he says.

Gerry’s familiar with feeling vulnerable – he recently moved his family to Bloomington, Indiana from Indianapolis, and he admits that the transition had its rough patches. But he’s amazed at his new city’s hospitality and friendliness.

He says, “In the Unvalley, people want to give you a helping hand. And it’s happening now, all over the country. If you’re on the fence about moving to a rising tech community, I’d advise you to start now. You want to be on the right side of this.” 

Hear more from Gerry in our full interview with him from Powderkeg Unvalley.