The 16 Tech Innova?on District is a growing des?na?on for innova?on and
and a driver of the tech enablement of the life-sciences and advanced
manufacturing industries
key to Indiana's economy. Connected to diverse neighborhoods in downtown
Indianapolis and
inten?onally resourced with facili?es and programs to foster innova?on, 16
Tech is home today
to three buildings with 200+ innova?on related en??es that employ more than
800 people.
Over the next ten years, 16 Tech is projected to grow to 13 mixed-use
buildings and create
3,000+ jobs.
The nonprofit 16 Tech Community Corpora?on is responsible for the physical and programma?c development of the 16 Tech Innova?on District. 16 Tech Community Corpora?on's mission is to create an inclusive innova?on community for Indianapolis. 16 Tech seeks team members who are mo?vated by and embody its values:
Innova?on and entrepreneurship: We believe innova?on is vital.
• Personal Connec?on: We believe places bring people together.
• Inclusivity: We believe everyone can be an innovator.
• Collabora?on: We believe collabora?on is a winning strategy.
• Community: We believe it's important to be good neighbors.
16 Tech Community Corpora?on is a proud equal opportunity employer commiYed to
inclusive work environment and to building a team that reflects the rich
diversity of our
community. People of color, people with disabili?es, and people of diverse
orienta?ons, gender expressions, and iden??es are encouraged to apply.
The 16 Tech Marke?ng Intern will play an ac?ve and vital role on the 16 Tech
Corpora?on marke?ng team, helping to execute the District's strategic brand
and vision through
content genera?on that will be distributed on various pla[orms (social media,
website, email
The marke?ng intern will:
• Manage 16 Tech online event calendars, maintaining accurate data for public
classes, programs and trainings
• Dra^ copy and content for Eventbrite events
• Submit events/programs to key local organiza?ons (i.e., IndyToday, DII,
• Brainstorm, create, dra^ and schedule social media content for the AMP and
16 Tech
• Help support onsite events as needed
• Assist with various administra?ve du?es
An ideal candidate will demonstrate an interest in marke?ng and communica?ons.
candidate will be passionate about crea?ve ideas and though[ul copy. The
candidate will be a
self-starter who desires to learn and grow with every project.
• College junior, senior or graduate student with an interest in
• Prior internship or equivalent work experience
• Knowledge of social media pla[orms
• Knowledge of Adobe Crea?ve Cloud is a plus
• Excellent communica?on skills, both wriYen and verbal
• High aYen?on to detail and execu?on
• Maturity to work as part of a small, entrepreneurial team
• Self-driven and goal-oriented, able to work independently and organize own
tasks, projects
and calendar
• Self-reflec?ve and willing to learn from mistakes and by asking ques?ons
• Hours: 15-20 hours per week
• Compensa?on: $15/hour
• Employment ?meframe: August-December 2024
To apply for this internship, please submit a cover leYer and resume to by July 30, 2023.
More informa?on is available at hYps://