Senior Product Designer at Anduril Industries | Powderkeg

Location: Seattle, WA

Employment Type: Full-time

Team: Product Design

Anduril is a defense technology company, bringing Silicon Valley talent and funding to the defense sector. Our technology helps our customers tackle their toughest challenges by enabling them to make better, more informed decisions in life-and-death situations. We’ve assembled a diverse team of specialists in artificial intelligence, computer vision, sensor fusion, optics, and data analysis that are crafting software and hardware solutions to radically evolve the capabilities of the United States and our allies. If you are passionate about solving problems that have real impact, come join Anduril and build the future of defense.


Anduril’s recently founded Product Design team is seeking its first full-time Product Designers to grow our team. This is an opportunity to help craft Product Design from the ground up, from the team’s culture to the company’s design ethos and practice. At its core, Product Design is responsible for shipping an effective end-to-end user experience of our Lattice software platform to our customers. We partner with engineering, product management, and the business across all phases of product development—from ground truth need-finding and synthesis, to ideation and execution, to field testing and validation.

With our focus on defense and national security, design plays a meaningful role in ensuring that front line decision makers have the best tools and information possible to swiftly understand a situation, evaluate courses of action, and act. In support of this mission, designers at Anduril own the end- to-end user experience of these tools.

As a Senior Product Designer in our fast-paced environment, you’ll bring your core design toolkit — interaction design, visual design, ideation, user research — and employ and adapt it in pursuit of end-user outcomes. Because we work fast across a variety of product areas, you’ll likely find yourself using that toolkit to traverse both strategic product thinking and tactical design execution. You’ll rapidly iterate with your teammates in order to exchange and incorporate feedback. With the radical ownership and autonomy that you’ll find at Anduril, you’ll use your decomposition and synthesis abilities to holistically understand user, product, and business problems at hand. You’ll also make use of your precise communication skills to advocate for product solutions that benefit the user, and collaborate across roles in order to execute and ship.


  • Interaction design. From pen and paper sketches to crisp high fidelity mockups, and from workflow architectures to the smallest micro-interactions you’ll construct intuitive workflows that handle complexity and serve your end user.
  • Visual design. You’ll wield your aesthetic sensibilities in order to best serve the function of your products. You’re able to put the right pixels on the screen to make your workflows precise, usable, and elegant.
  • User research. Because your responsibility is to the end user, you’ll drive the need-finding and validation processes for your work by getting onsite and conducting both generative and evaluative user research.
  • Synthesis & Ideation. You’ll take the signal you gather on user and business problems and distill it into impactful problems against which to align your team. You’ll drive collaborative, broad generation of ideas to define the solutions space.
  • Rapid prototyping. You’ll quickly make ideas real in order to evaluate and test them. Depending on the situation, this might involve pen and paper, Sketch and Principle, or front-end development in partnership with an engineer.
  • Communication and relationship building. Through mockups, prototypes, and written documents you’ll share your designs and ideas with relevant partners, seek critical feedback, and push the product forward. You’ll work closely with engineers to ground your designs in technical feasibility. You’ll work with PMs and business partners to prioritize and tie your work to user and business outcomes.
  • Design collaboration. As Product Design at Anduril grows, you’ll help define and drive team culture. You’ll participate in design critiques in order to better your and others’ work, and you’ll help level up people in other roles on collaborating with design.


  • Design Tooling Proficiency. Proven ability to execute on interaction and visual design using industry-standard design tools. At Anduril, we generally use Sketch for high fidelity mockups.
  • Experience across the entire product development cycle. A track record of crafting and shipping products that have been used by humans to achieve a goal.
  • Familiarity with front-end software technologies. A deep enough understanding about front-end web technologies and languages (HTML/CSS/Javascript/React) to consider capabilities and limitations, collaborate with engineers, and ultimately produce realistic designs.
  • 4+ years of software product design experience
  • U.S. Person status may be required as this position needs to access export controlled data.


  • Front-end development proficiency. This is not a requirement, but we value the ability to engage in the code in order to hold the quality bar on what we ship.
  • Startup experience

Anduril is an equal-opportunity employer, and we encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply. If you are someone passionate to work on problems that matter, we’d love to hear from you!

Job Summary
  • Job Title
    Senior Product Designer
  • Company
    Anduril Industries
  • Location
    Irvine, CA
  • Employment Type
    Full time
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