In the fast pace of innovation-driven companies, executive leaders often find themselves in high-pressure situations that demand quick thinking and sharp decision-making. 

Whether you’re leading a team through a critical product launch, navigating the complexities of a major acquisition, or simply managing the day-to-day challenges of a rapidly growing company, maintaining peak mental performance is essential.

What Is Mental Performance?

“A lot of mental performance is knowing how to manage your state of being: your physiology, your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts,” said Kevin Bailey, CEO and Co-Founder of Dreamfuel, in this podcast about mental performance. “A lot of people normally only talk about positive thinking, but you can’t really think positively if your physiology, your emotions, and everything else is off.”

Mental performance in the workplace refers to the ability to think clearly, make effective decisions, and stay focused under various conditions.  For tech executives, this means staying sharp and resilient amidst the constant demands of the industry.

Key Aspects of Mental Performance

  1. Emotional Resilience: The ability to manage stress and bounce back from setbacks is vital. Emotional resilience helps you maintain a positive outlook and stay motivated, even when things get tough.
  2. Focus and Attention: Maintaining focus in a world full of distractions is essential for productivity. This includes the ability to concentrate on tasks, prioritize effectively, and avoid being sidetracked by less important matters.
  3. Creativity and Innovation: In the tech industry, creativity fuels progress. Strong mental performance enhances your ability to think outside the box, develop new ideas, and find unique solutions to problems.

Why Mental Performance Matters for Executive Leaders

Your mental performance directly impacts your ability to innovate, solve problems, and lead effectively. When your mind is clear and focused, you’re better equipped to handle stress, stay creative, and make decisions that drive your company forward. On the flip side, mental fatigue and stress can cloud your judgment and hinder your productivity.

Importance of Mental Performance for Executive Leaders

The fast-paced nature of the tech industry requires quick thinking, adaptability, and a high level of mental agility. When you’re at your best mentally, you’re more capable of leading your team, making strategic decisions, and driving your company toward success.

Improving mental performance can lead to better job satisfaction, increased productivity, and a healthier work-life balance. By focusing on techniques that enhance your mental abilities, you can tackle high-pressure situations with confidence and ease, ultimately benefiting both your professional and personal life.

Common Challenges Faced by Executives at High-Growth Companies

Executives often juggle multiple responsibilities, from strategic planning to team management and investor relations. The constant pressure to perform can lead to burnout, affecting both your personal well-being and your professional effectiveness. Understanding how to optimize your mental performance can help you stay at the top of your game, even in the most demanding situations.

14 Mental Performance Tips From Executive Leaders Who Thrive Under Pressure

Members of the Powderkeg Executive Council and leaders from across the tech community share their best strategies for mental performance in the workplace.  From mindfulness practices to physical fitness routines, these techniques are designed to support your overall well-being and boost your performance under pressure.

1. Use a Rehearsal Visualization 

When I’m preparing my mindset for a high-pressure situation, like an investor, press, or board meeting, I almost always use rehearsal visualization. I do a quick breathing exercise and then rehearse the meeting going well in my mind. I see myself communicating well, being adaptable, and hitting all of the important points. I visualize the outcome I want and celebrate the success in my mind. Visualization patterns my mind to perform optimal behaviors to reach ideal outcomes.

Kevin Bailey, CEO & Co-Founder at Dreamfuel

2. Break Down Goals into Manageable Tasks

From my years of experience navigating high-pressure situations at work, I’ve learned that optimizing mental performance and focus is a crucial skill to thrive in such demanding environments. For me, it all starts with maintaining a clear and organized mindset.

One key strategy I employ is setting specific goals and breaking them down into manageable tasks. By breaking down larger projects into smaller, more achievable steps, I am able to maintain a sense of progress and momentum, even when faced with overwhelming deadlines or complex challenges. This not only helps me stay focused but also ensures that I am utilizing my mental energy effectively.

Another technique I find invaluable is practicing mindfulness and incorporating regular meditation into my routine. Taking a few moments each day to quiet the mind and cultivate a sense of presence allows me to better manage stress and stay centered during high-pressure situations. This mental clarity enables me to make more rational decisions and think more creatively, even when the stakes are high.

Gauri Manglik, CEO and Co-Founder at Instrumentl

3. Try Box Breathing

Box breathing. Breathe in for a count of four. Hold your breath for a count of four. Breathe out for a count of four. Hold your out breath for a count of four. Intentionally slowing your breath signals to your body – even in high pressure, adrenaline fueled situations – that everything is going to be OK. Peak performance comes from calm rather than from cortisol. Even one full box breath series will help reset your nervous system.

Karen Mangia, President & Chief Strategy Officer at The Engineered Innovation Group 

I like to practice square breathing before and during high pressure situations in order to get my mind right.

Doug Booth, CEO at Multiply Technology 



4. Embrace Tech-Free Breaks and Silence

As a CEO of an AI startup, my way of dealing with stress and optimizing my mental capacity is by balancing being ‘organically dynamic’ with taking breaks from technology. This is my pressure valve, so to speak. In our high-pressure tech world, knowing when to step away from tech is a crucial skill.

I regularly take breaks from technology. We’re surrounded by technology all the time. At Automat, one of the most sought-after things is the chance to step away from technology for a few hours or even months, in a setting that’s naturally dynamic. Being in a place where I can breathe in sea-salt air, listen to nature in one of the fastest-growing economic areas in the country, all by myself, in silence, without any internet or tech, gives me a unique opportunity to walk, breathe, and clear my mind in a safe and natural setting.

Silence plays a big role in this. Silence means being in the world but not making noise. It’s a powerful way to not only improve inner well-being but also to learn new ways to communicate, show gratitude, and interact positively with others. By focusing on just one thing—no noise—I let my positive side engage with society in a friendly and thankful way. It also lets my true character show through my actions.

Lucas Ochoa, Founder and CEO at Automat

5. Incorporate Structured Meditation Breaks

One specific way I achieve this is by integrating structured meditation breaks into my daily routine. While meditation is becoming more mainstream, it still remains an uncommon practice in the fast-paced tech industry. Taking just 10-15 minutes to sit quietly and focus on my breath helps me calm my mind, improve concentration, and boost productivity. For example, during a particularly intense meeting discussing the launch of a critical product, I noticed tension building up within me. Instead of reacting impulsively or succumbing to stress, I excused myself for a quick meditation break in a private space. Just those few minutes allowed me to center myself, regain clarity, and approach the situation with composure and rationality. Embracing this unusual technique has significantly enhanced my mental resilience and capacity to perform optimally under pressure.

Michael Alexis, CEO at Virtual Team Building

6. Focus on Your Personal Life

Focus on the personal things: Food, sleep, and family. Do not let your schedule control or change that – it’s a fallacy to believe that you can work 16 hours a day or work your way out of stressful situations. The brain needs fuel and overworking deprives it of that fuel.

Jesper Kehlet, Founder & CEO at CuroGens

7. Pay Attention to Your Breath

Breathing is fundamental. When stress kicks in, and it does, you get an adrenaline dump, pulse picks up and your body wants to shift to flight or fight mode. That’s instinct but you can breathe through it, silently, calmly, even while you’re in that meeting or in the virtual session. It might help to put your hand on your gut to try to keep focus on abdominal breathing instead of nasal or chest breathing, which just makes things worse. It’s quick, free, easy and effective.

Rick McGlinchey, Co-Founder at PureInsights

8. Engage in Family Time and Peer Support

In the high-pressure world of tech, my secret to maintaining mental sharpness is surprisingly low-tech: spending quality time with family and dogs, and swapping war stories with fellow tech leaders. Disconnecting to play with my dogs or enjoy a family meal works wonders for my focus. It’s my version of hitting the refresh button, providing a mental break that recharges me more than any caffeine shot could.

Additionally, connecting with other founders and executives, sharing challenges and solutions, really puts things into perspective. There’s a certain camaraderie in realizing you’re not alone in your struggles, and this shared understanding not only fosters a sense of community but also sharpens my problem-solving skills for work-related pressures. It’s a blend of personal downtime and professional solidarity that keeps me balanced and ready to tackle whatever comes next.

John Xie, Co-Founder and CEO at Taskade 

9. Take Breaks to Recharge and Focus

I make sure to take breaks so I can recharge and refocus. Everyone gets to a point of diminishing returns — especially when they are under pressure. I like to step away and get some of that energy out so I can come back more focused and with more calm and clarity.

Mike Bal, Sr. Director of Technical Product Management at The Engineered Innovation Group 

10. Create a Calm Workspace

I’ve found that optimizing my workspace plays a significant role in enhancing my mental performance, especially under pressure. I keep my desk organized and minimize distractions by turning off unnecessary digital notifications. During a critical project phase, having a clutter-free and distraction-free environment helped me focus deeply and work more efficiently. 

This strategy of creating a conducive work environment has been pivotal in maintaining my focus and productivity during demanding periods at work. A well-organized space not only aids in reducing mental clutter but also sets the tone for a productive and focused work session.

Phil Strazzulla, Founder at SelectSoftware Reviews

11. Prioritize Daily Meditation for Composure

Being a tech executive demands peak mental performance. I prioritize daily meditation as a mental-optimization tool. It helps me stay composed in high-pressure situations. Recently, during a crucial board meeting, I faced tough questioning. Thanks to my meditation practice, I maintained clarity, responded thoughtfully, and successfully navigated the pressure. Meditation sharpens focus and resilience, allowing tech leaders to excel in demanding scenarios.

Daniel Lynch, President and Owner at Empathy First Media

12. Utilize Transcendental Meditation for Clarity

In technological leadership, optimal mental performance is important when dealing with high-stress situations. In my case, I use Transcendental Meditation (TM) to address such situations. TM requires devoting several minutes every day to contemplative meditation practice. This habit serves as a mental anchor that provides clarity and focus in even the most hectic work situations. For instance, before key meetings or during critical project milestones, I schedule time to engage in TM, which gives me the ability to recalibrate and tackle tasks with increased focus and a composed mind. This habit not only sharpens my mind but also instills a state of calmness, therefore being priceless in high-octane technological leadership. Finally, TM has proven to be my dependable way of strengthening mental agility and maintaining top-notch performance when it is necessary.

Marty Aghajanyan, Founder and CEO at JBoard

13. Maintain a Structured To-Do List

I enhance my focus and mental performance at work by maintaining a well-structured to-do list. I prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance, ensuring that I tackle the most critical tasks during my peak productivity hours. For example, before a high-pressure deadline, I organize my tasks meticulously, which helps me stay on track and ensures I don’t overlook any important details. 

This methodical approach to task management keeps me focused and efficient, particularly when juggling multiple priorities. It also provides a clear roadmap of my daily objectives, making it easier to navigate through demanding workdays.

Ian Sells, CEO at Million Dollar Sellers

14. Prioritize Sleep, Diet, and Exercise

It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work and forget to take care of yourself. For me, a good night’s sleep, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are the keys to optimizing my mental performance and focus. I make sure to get at least seven hours of sleep each night, which helps me wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. I also try to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. And I make sure to get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, whether it’s going for a run, doing a yoga class, or taking a walk around the block. These simple habits help me stay focused and productive, even in high-pressure situations at work.

Matthew Ramirez, Founder at Rephrase

Wrapping Up: Learn to Thrive Under Pressure

Optimizing your mental performance is a game-changer for tech executives navigating high-pressure environments. By incorporating these techniques into your daily routine, you can enhance your cognitive abilities, manage stress more effectively, and maintain the focus needed to lead your team to success. Remember, mental performance isn’t just about surviving the demands of your role—it’s about thriving and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Prioritize your mental well-being, and you’ll find that you’re not only more productive but also more creative and resilient. With a clear mind and a strong sense of purpose, there’s no limit to what you can achieve.

This post was contributed to by members of Powderkeg Executive Councils, the only private membership network designed exclusively for tech companies and executives looking to grow and connect beyond the confines of Silicon Valley. Apply today to join.