“Now is the time to take action.” 

That’s Gary Vaynerchuk’s biggest piece of advice for rising tech hubs looking to capitalize on the current wave of interest in tech between the coasts.

Gary’s company, VaynerMedia, opened The Sasha Group in Chattanooga years ago to expand their work beyond Fortune 1000 clients and help SMBs, entrepreneurs, and startups grow faster.

They chose Chattanooga for Sasha Group’s HQ because of the city’s vibrant, exciting tech community. “There are entrepreneurs here that we believe in,” said Mickey Cloud, Executive Director. “We felt we could have an impact on the entire tech ecosystem there.”

Trying to build an Unvalley tech hub? Here’s some advice from Gary and Mickey:

  • Identify and double down on your community’s strengths.
  • Be different. Highlight the things that make your ecosystem special. 
  • Address your city’s challenges to make your city more accessible to the companies and people you’re trying to attract.

To get more tips on bringing out the best in your tech community, watch the entire discussion with Gary and Mickey from our recent Unvalley conference. It’s full of nuggets of wisdom you won’t find anywhere else.