Here’s another reason to have a strong network: Many of the best jobs in tech are never posted on websites or job boards, or made public at all. 

If you build a strong network (it is possible, even during COVID) you’ll get first crack at these opportunities. 

Unvalley folks are veterans at building connections online and through social media. 

Here some virtual networking tips for fast-tracking your career:

  1. Attend as many free events as you can. These days, you can join lots of virtual Meetup events outside your local area, so start your search there.
  2. Go to online conferences and workshops. The Bizzabo blog has an outstanding directory of 2021 tech events.
  3. Introduce yourself in the chat during events and gatherings, and include your location and targeted job title.
  4. Find relevant people to approach. Reconnect with people you’ve worked with in the past, find people who are active online, and target specific companies you’re interested in.
  5. When you’re trying to connect, make your request small, clear, and concise.
  6. Reduce anxiety by using networking scripts that you can customize for specific situations and individuals. Example: Create a template for connecting with someone on LinkedIn by commenting on their recent content.
  7. Follow up without being a pest.

You can fast track your career by building your virtual networking muscles. Looking for a perfect next step? Tell us what kinds of opportunities you’re looking for, so we can introduce you to the leaders who can move you forward.


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