Not everyone thinks about a company blog as a resource for PR efforts. However, when it comes to uncovering stories that can be shared with the media, everything from ebooks to webinars and whitepapers can be repurposed, as well as company blogs.
In addition to serving as a place to share company news, customer success or product/service updates, company blogs can be home to thought leadership content from C-suite executives looking to amplify an industry perspective.
It’s this thought leadership content — insightful commentary that answers questions top of mind for prospects and stakeholders — to which media react positively and want to share with their readers. So why not have your blogs do double duty?
Below are three ways to maximize your company’s blog content for PR efforts.
1. Don’t shy away from controversial topics or contrarian perspective
At its core, thought leadership content is insights-driven with actionable takeaways that a reader can use in their own professional setting, but it doesn’t stop there. Thought leaders can also use their experience and industry perspective to take a stance on current events that tend to generate a range of opinions.
Whether commentary on controversial topics is shared on your company blog, with the media or both, it’s important for the thought leader to take a strong stance on the topic that may support, or debunk existing opinions. Sharing a strong opinion will help that individual to be viewed as an authoritative voice on industry subject matter.
If you’re looking for inspiration on what a strong opinion from a company thought leader looks like, give these examples a read.
Founder and CEO of Project Lever shares why edtech won’t accelerate at the rate of healthtech on the TechCrunch Crunch Network.
In the light of comments by Elon Musk, the chairman and CEO of Veritone shares why it’s important to shift the dialog around AI away from sensationalized stances on Quartz.
CTO and co-founder of CloudPassage commented on the impact of President Donald Trump’s May executive order aimed at beefing up cybersecurity for federal agencies on GeekWire.
2. Include multimedia in your content
Do you have a blog post that showcases a great infographic or informational video? Consider sharing it with the media! Research has shown that content containing relevant imagery generates 94 percent more views than content without. Media contacts often request supporting imagery, video, infographics, slideshows and more to accompany thought leadership content. As a number of publications pivot towards video and other digital media, providing these resource can make the journalist’s job simpler — always a win.
Offering supporting multimedia that is originally housed on a company blog can certainly be used for supporting material with thought leadership content. However, keep in mind that multimedia content, like any thought leadership content, should be informative not promotional. Multimedia that is not overtly company-branded will resonate best.
3. Write with a target outlet’s readers in mind
Looking to develop content with a reader in mind is a small, but important detail, for maximizing blog content. This may sound obvious, but it’s easy to develop a piece of blog content for the sake of meeting a quota for the month, with little thought as to who exactly you’d like to end up reading it.
If there are plans to repurpose the content for use in media outreach, you may want to consider what publications you’d target and the characteristics of that outlet’s audience. For example, if you’d like content to be published on Entrepreneur, keep in mind the average reader of that publication: those seeking advice on how to start, run and grow a successful business. So, an article on how to effectively survive slower months is more likely to resonate with the reader rather than a piece on retail predictions for the next year.
Your target audience has many options when it comes to what content to consume — the same goes for journalists when it comes to pitches. By keeping the target reader in mind while developing content, you are more likely to appeal to those most likely to engage with the content. You’re also more likely to meet the needs of a specific editor who can receive upwards of 1,000 pitches per week.
Whether you’re drafting blog posts or content for the media, these efforts take time. However, we continue to see content that positions organizations as thought leaders help move the needle for business. And, in tandem with the recent increase in contributor-based media opportunities, we’ve seen a rise in companies seeking partners like BLASTmedia that can assist with the development, creation and amplification of thought leadership content. Make sure that you’re getting the most out of your time and marketing dollars by looking to develop content that can live far outside of a company blog, increasing brand awareness and credibility.
These articles have been curated by our friends at BLASTmedia, a national PR agency focusing on media relations for B2B technology companies.