CB Insights just published their Tech Trends to Watch Closely in 2021 report – and many of their insights have implications for Unvalley opportunities. Here’s a sampling:

  • Exclusive social networks like Clubhouse, CareerKarma, and Valence will start replacing traditional open networks like Twitter and Linkedin. Targeted communities will create a “digital density” of like minds, and open up space to grow careers and startups beyond the Valley.
  • Entrepreneurs looking to change the world will try to build new tech communities from scratch, instead of fitting in with preexisting cities. This is part of a larger trend of tech leaders and workers searching for better societies that match their values and lifestyles.
  • Get ready for more hangouts and shopping in the metaverse – a persistent virtual space that is sort of like a digital mirror of the real world – for immersive shopping, gaming, and social experiences. Many in the Might Middle will benefit from the connection and career opportunities that come with this trend, plugging into experiences lik Powderkeg’s virtual Unvalley conferences (more info on our 2021 event coming soon!)
  • Tech companies are reimagining their physical spaces, with an emphasis on versatility and flexibility. This opens up more opportunities for companies to tap into a larger, more diverse pool of talent across the country and around the world. Read More and share your thoughts on LinkedIn >>

To stay on the cutting edge of tech news get more details on these important trends, check out CB Insight’ full report.